Creating a clean and clear massage space might not be the first thing you learned in massage therapy training, but it is a vital aspect of your practice. Clients are subconsciously affected by your massage space. While they may not realize it, a clean, organized, peaceful room free of distractions goes a long way toward putting your clients in a relaxed state. Having a spotless treatment room should rank high on your list of priorities.
Feeling stuck on where to start? Add regular tidying to your appointment book, begin a quarterly deep cleaning practice, and follow these spring-cleaning tips!


• Start in the building entrance. Sweep porches or sidewalks, remove dead plants and clear away knick-knacks.

• Survey your lobby or waiting room and clear out any old magazines. Create a neat, clutter-free check-in area. If you find you can’t create clear surfaces due to lack of storage, consider adding cabinets or bookshelves.

• Look at your treatment room with fresh eyes, or ask a friend to do the same. Does it look too cluttered? If so, it may be helpful to find a new method of organization for tools and supplies. For example, you can store extra pillows and bolsters under the table with storage nets.

• Remove excess knick-knacks, which do little except collect dust, and choose a few well-placed pieces of art. Follow the adage “Less is more.”

Put yourself in the client’s shoes.

• Turn the lights up and lay with your face in massage table cradle. Then turn over and look up to see what your clients see while being treated in a supine position. Do you see any dust, dirt, or debris? Clean anything you notice and be mindful to check that area regularly going forward.

• Go into the bathroom and look around. If does not sparkle, clean it until it does.
Remember, an environment that is clean and serene is important for the quality of the client’s experience.

Perform regular maintenance.

• Tune up your massage table—tighten the screws; check the cables; make sure it’s not squeaking or rocking.

• Keep your space dusted and clean enough to withstand the scrutiny of a floodlight.

• Set a cleaning schedule for your space to make sure each area is getting regular attention. For example, on Monday, you can dust the lobby, on Tuesday, clean the bathroom, and so forth.

If you find yourself needing further support, you may want to reach out to well-known Oregon massage schools to create helpful contacts. Massage schools (including East West College) are networks for massage therapy services. Through your local massage school, you may be able to find an affordable service to clean your space regularly, leaving you open to focus on treatment. Happy Spring Cleaning!