Attending a Massage Therapy School Can Lead to a Satisfying Career
Massage therapy is a type of treatment that works well to keep healthy people healthy and to speed healing of various ailments. A massage therapy school can help you learn this beneficial skill set and get you started in a rewarding career. […]
A Quick Guide to the Different Types of Massage Therapy Classes
Most massage therapy schools offer different courses that cover various massage techniques. If you clearly understand your end goal, you can easily choose a proper program that suits your preferred career path. […]
Build Your Own Career Roadmap with Massage Therapy Training
To become a massage therapist, you must enroll at a proper school and pass an examination. Later, you’ll have to fill out an application for a massage license. Once you get this, other steps must be taken to keep the license valid. […]
Reasons To Consider Becoming A Massage Therapist
If you are considering a career in massage therapy, then it is important to note that there are a number of benefits that can be reaped from being in this field. Below is a list of ways you can benefit from being a massage therapist: […]
Massage Therapy Schools Share the Top Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Assuming your massage therapist is competent, massage always feels good. But one type of massage, deep tissue massage, creates a uniquely satisfying feeling that can also be quite intense. If the LMT is skillful, deep tissue massage relieves tension from muscle adhesions. […]
“Text Neck”: What Causes It, and How a Massage Therapist Can Help
Modern gadgets are like candy for the brain—but they are a pain in the neck, literally. Smartphones, for instance, cause most users to drop their heads forward and down. This technology-adaptive head position is now so common that health professionals have a special term for it – “Text Neck.” In our NW massage therapy school, students learn how to take clinical notes and spot postural [...]
Attending a Massage Therapy School Can Lead to a Satisfying Career
Massage therapy is a type of treatment that works well to keep healthy people healthy and to speed healing of various ailments. A massage therapy school can help you learn this beneficial skill set and get you started in a rewarding career. […]
A Quick Guide to the Different Types of Massage Therapy Classes
Most massage therapy schools offer different courses that cover various massage techniques. If you clearly understand your end goal, you can easily choose a proper program that suits your preferred career path. […]
Build Your Own Career Roadmap with Massage Therapy Training
To become a massage therapist, you must enroll at a proper school and pass an examination. Later, you’ll have to fill out an application for a massage license. Once you get this, other steps must be taken to keep the license valid. […]
Reasons To Consider Becoming A Massage Therapist
If you are considering a career in massage therapy, then it is important to note that there are a number of benefits that can be reaped from being in this field. Below is a list of ways you can benefit from being a massage therapist: […]
Massage Therapy Schools Share the Top Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Assuming your massage therapist is competent, massage always feels good. But one type of massage, deep tissue massage, creates a uniquely satisfying feeling that can also be quite intense. If the LMT is skillful, deep tissue massage relieves tension from muscle adhesions. […]
“Text Neck”: What Causes It, and How a Massage Therapist Can Help
Modern gadgets are like candy for the brain—but they are a pain in the neck, literally. Smartphones, for instance, cause most users to drop their heads forward and down. This technology-adaptive head position is now so common that health professionals have a special term for it – “Text Neck.” In our NW massage therapy school, students learn how to take clinical notes and spot postural [...]