As one of the leading massage schools in Oregon, we recognize that signing up for a Portland massage therapy program is a huge step—and one that can’t be taken lightly. It takes reflection, research, and hands-on experience to decide to become an LMT. That’s why we offer a monthly Massage Career Preview Event every month—to help you decide if a massage career would be a good fit for you.
In August, our career preview event will be held on Saturday the 16th. Here’s the planned schedule for the day:
10:00am to 12:00pm: Massage Career Preview
What does a person need to practice massage in Oregon? What might an LMT do on an average day? Which jobs are available for massage therapists? In this preview session, we’ll cover all of these questions and many more. Spend a little time thinking about your questions ahead of time, so we can get as many answered as possible. A professional LMT will be on hand, as well as an admissions officer, so that we’ll be sure to cover all your inquiries.
12:30pm to 3:30pm: Intro Massage Class
Learn some massage basics, and get a feel for whether massage would be a good profession for you. We’ll cover how to drape a client, and how to set up a massage table, along with a few basic massage strokes. Everyone will be working with partners, so bring one if you like, or we can partner you up with someone else in class. An East West College instructor will teach this class, and it will give you a good sense of the culture of our school.
We recommend that you check out several massage therapy schools in Oregon before making your final decision. Join us on August 18th to learn about massage careers, and whether East West College would be a good choice for you.