East West College of the Healing Arts

About East West College of the Healing Arts

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So far East West College of the Healing Arts has created 180 blog entries.

Cammie Toloui

2019-02-28T16:59:19-05:00April 10th, 2018|

Will you please introduce yourself?

I’m Cammie Toloui. I’ve been a photographer for most of my life, doing work for publications and shooting weddings, family portraits and events. Around the time I was turning 40, I decided I needed a change and I chose to study massage. I graduated from East West from the 801-hour program in 2010 and immediately started working in the clinic at school and did that (in addition to starting my own practice) for about a year. I rented a room with one of my former classmates and built up my business for about 2 years and then […]

Spring Allergies: How Massage Can Help

2019-02-28T16:51:28-05:00April 4th, 2018|

Springtime: It brings beautiful flowers, sunny days, and, for many, allergies. If you experience itchiness, stuffiness, and general brain-fogginess this time of year, consider adding massage to your allergy-fighting game plan. Read on to learn how regular massage helps offset allergic inflammation. We’ll also touch on how four types of massage (facial massage, craniosacral massage, acupressure, and reflexology) can help reduce allergy symptoms. Finally, we’ll list massage resources for fighting allergic reactions.

How Allergies Work: Overactive Inflammation

Whatever your allergy symptoms, one thing’s certain: They are all related to inflammation. Think of the immune system as the body’s defensive army. Some of […]

Celebrate Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day

2019-02-28T16:52:16-05:00March 20th, 2018|

In celebration of this day, East West College will be offering 50% off future student massage appointments booked on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018.

In support of Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day on March 20th, 2018, East West College of the Healing Arts will be offering a special promotion for their massage clinic. Future student massages booked on the day of March 20th will be 50% off – regularly $30, now just $15!

The Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative of the Global Wellness Institute aims to celebrate the healing powers of massage therapy and promote […]

East West College Celebrates Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day Through Donation

2019-02-28T16:52:50-05:00March 19th, 2018|


The world will celebrate the positive impact of massage therapy on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018. The Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative, in partnership with the Global Wellness Institute, aims to celebrate the healing powers of massage therapy and promote its benefits through research, education, advocacy and global awareness. March 20th is also recognized by the United Nations as the International Day of Happiness.

One of the ways East West College will be celebrating this day is by donating a massage table to Raphael House, a domestic violence agency dedicated to ending intimate partner […]

Massage Modalities: Neuromuscular Therapy

2019-02-28T16:53:27-05:00February 27th, 2018|

Neuromuscular Therapy: A Basic Definition

NMT practitioners use deep tissue massage techniques such as digital pressure and friction to release muscular trigger points. Trigger points are pea-sized restrictions in muscular tissue. Repetitive motion, injury, stress, and poor posture are some causes of trigger points. In these areas, circulation is restricted, meaning that nutrient delivery and cellular waste are limited. Through Neuromuscular Therapy and other massage modalities, Portland massage therapists can often alleviate lingering pain, weakness, and fatigue.

Neuromuscular therapy doesn’t just consider issues in soft tissue, but rather examines multiple levels of the problem—not just where it manifests as a sensation, but also […]

Interview With Alumni Kevin Faris

2019-02-28T16:54:11-05:00February 22nd, 2018|

Will you please introduce yourself?

My name is Kevin Faris I graduated from East West in October 2013

What drew you to massage therapy?

The Thing that drew me to massage was an old construction injury. I had some treatments and it was the most helpful thing.

Why did you select East West College?

I found East West by chance. I was searching good massage schools around the area and I knew some LMT’s and they said East West is the best.

Since graduation what has been your biggest professional challenge? How were you able to overcome it?

Since I have graduated from school my biggest professional challenge […]

Alumni Interview Mary Tindall

2019-02-28T16:54:47-05:00January 25th, 2018|

Will you please introduce yourself?

I’m Mary. I’m an aerial silks instructor and massage therapist. I know the importance of regular bodywork to help with repetitive stress, as well as the everyday stressors of life.

What drew you to massage therapy?

The idea of working and connecting with people one on one really drew me in. Being able to help people live their lives with less pain.

Why did you select East West College?

I loved that it’s on the east side of the river. I walked in one day to check it out and get a tour, Erika was so friendly and I could tell […]

Improved Sleep & Massage: Portland Massage School on Catching more ZZZs

2019-02-28T16:55:34-05:00January 18th, 2018|

Getting more sleep is a perennially popular resolution—and one that scientists recommend, as getting more sleep can help you achieve your other resolutions. Regularly receiving massage is an excellent habit for those looking to increase their shut-eye. Read on to discover research on massage and sleep. We also offer a few general tips on how to improve your sleep in 2018 (including making an appointment at our Portland massage school’s clinic).

How Good Sleep Boosts Motivation

Did you know that self-care (including getting more sleep) is the 4th most popular resolution among women in 2018? Research suggests prioritizing sleep is […]

Alum Interview — Vanessa Shumate

2019-02-28T16:56:18-05:00January 9th, 2018|

Please introduce yourself.

My name is Vanessa Shumate, I was born and raised on a farm outside of Eugene Oregon. With constant manual labor in order to maintain the farm I found giving and receiving massage and body work to be vital in sustaining this lifestyle.

What drew you to massage therapy?

After years of interest in massage therapy, I started realizing how passionate I was about the intricate web that makes up the human body and the steps we can take to support our highest levels of functioning.

Why did you select East West College?

I was drawn to East West College due to the supportive […]

Massage & Self-Care: Marketing the Necessity of De-Stressing during the Holiday Season

2017-12-12T11:39:34-05:00December 12th, 2017|

Holiday stress: It’s so ubiquitous, it’s practically cliché. Yet few people actually fit in an extra wintertime massage or day at the spa. How can Portland massage therapists come to the rescue? By effectively marketing their offerings during this darkest, and often busiest, part of the year.

We all know that the holidays are a time of stress. Consider a Healthline study which found that 56% of Gen X-ers, 61% of millennials, and 62% of Baby Boomers feel stress during the holidays.

Yet few people actually set aside time to destress. The 2016 American Time Use Study found that, […]

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