East West College of the Healing Arts

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So far East West College of the Healing Arts has created 180 blog entries.

Massage Modalities: Fijian Barefoot Massage

2019-11-14T17:00:33-05:00October 1st, 2019|

When you think of deep tissue massage, which tools spring to mind? Do you picture a therapist’s strong hands, thumbs, and perhaps elbows? Massage tools, such as cups and rollers, may appear on your list if you’re already a professional in massage. Portland, Oregon may not have considered a less common tool for deep tissue massage—your feet! Today we’re taking a look at Fijian Barefoot Massage, a massage modality similar to Ashiatsu barefoot massage, as we covered in a previous blog post.

What is Fijian Barefoot Massage?
In Fijian barefoot massage, the client lies on pads on the floor and stays clothed. […]

Quick Hand, Wrist and Forearm Warm-Ups to Prevent Massage Therapy Injuries

2019-11-14T16:57:15-05:00September 15th, 2019|

For many people, a career in massage is a dream come true! Healing others, calm work environments, and flexible hours—what’s not to love? Well, without proper self-care, injury can strike, debilitating therapists. As a leading Pacific Northwest massage school, we are dedicated to supporting all aspects of the massage therapy profession, including injury prevention.

As it turns out, therapists are especially prone to injuries in the hand, wrist, and forearm areas. That’s not too surprising, since these are some of the most commonly used tools at a therapist’s disposal. However, the prevalence of forearm, wrist, and hand pain may surprise you. A […]

Market for Massage Therapists: The Numbers According to the AMTA

2019-07-22T14:08:52-04:00June 22nd, 2019|

Can a strong living be made from massage therapy? Absolutely, as robust economic numbers from the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) demonstrate. Below, we review the rosy figures from the AMTA, including market projections, labor rates, and projected career earnings.

Drawing from government statistics, clinical studies, and surveys of Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) as well as consumers, the AMTA sought to deliver a big-picture review of the massage profession in their recent “Massage Therapy Industry Fact Sheet.” For students currently completing massage therapist schooling, the news is very positive indeed. LMTs already in the middle of their massage careers can also […]

Welcoming Clients of All Sizes to your Massage Table: Massaging Obese/Fat Clients

2019-07-22T14:08:30-04:00May 22nd, 2019|

Therapists are healers at heart; anyone who chooses to become a massage therapist is inspired to help others. Yet through lack of awareness around body size, therapists may unwittingly make clients feel uncomfortable. And while massage schools in Oregon and elsewhere train budding therapists in body mechanics and client care, massage therapy classes do not always account for bigger bodies. Today we’re taking a look at how to help clients feel at ease, no matter their body size. We include tips for helping larger clients feel comfortable, including space and positioning considerations, intake forms, and more. We also touch on how […]

East West College’s New Location in Downtown Portland: Opening on July 1st, 2019

2019-05-21T13:27:06-04:00May 21st, 2019|

We’re moving! This July, East West College is starting a new chapter in the education district of downtown Portland, Oregon. Our new building will be at 1515 SW Fifth Avenue, on the fourth floor.

Massage school students and clients will be happy to know that our new home is easy to access via public transit, with multiple options for MAX light rail, bus, and streetcar routes. To facilitate a smooth transition, we are providing each student with a transit pass for the month of July, upon request.

Additional amenities at our new location include:

  • 30,000 square feet of totally remodeled space with energy-efficient […]

Common Injuries for Massage Therapists, and How to Avoid Them

2019-07-02T15:19:36-04:00May 2nd, 2019|

Do you shudder at the prospect of working at a desk for 40 hours per week? Do you long to heal others? Does the human body fascinate you? If you answered yes to all these questions, you should be a massage therapist (if you’re not already one!). There are few other jobs that allow for such active, fulfilling work. Yet at the same time, the repetitive nature of massage therapy presents the potential for injury. In this blog, we’re looking at the most common injuries among massage therapists, as well as how you can avoid injury while providing massage. Portland massage […]

Challenges and Rewards of Sports Massage Therapy

2019-07-02T15:17:41-04:00April 2nd, 2019|

While becoming a sports massage therapist may seem glamorous—think of traveling with a team! Being on the sidelines! Celebrating wins with your massage clients! —the ins and outs of sports massage therapy can be challenging. Let’s take a look at the more difficult aspects of a job in sports therapy. We’ll also review the career rewards that successful sports therapists enjoy.

Sports Massage Therapy: An Introduction
Sports massage therapists provide massage to athletes at all levels, and many different venues. Some therapists work with a team throughout the season to keep athletes in top condition. Others may contract work for certain events, such […]

Massage Modalities: Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

2019-03-11T16:40:10-04:00March 11th, 2019|

What is Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage?

Literally, the word Ashiatsu translates to “foot pressure.” In this type of massage, therapists deliver strokes through their feet, rather than their hands. Traditionally, the therapist stands over the massage table, with parallel bars overhead for support. Using their feet as well as their body weight, the therapist delivers consistent, deep, broad pressure.

Benefits of Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

Deep pressure without pointy elbows or thumbs. The broad surface of the foot decreases the sharpness clients sometimes experience with deep tissue work.
More power. As this type of massage utilizes the therapist’s body weight, it allows for up to three times […]

Couples Massage 101: Benefits, Marketing, and other Considerations for Massage Therapists

2019-02-27T21:27:49-05:00February 27th, 2019|

Couples massage consists of concurrent massage sessions given to two people in the same room, with two massage therapists working simultaneously. The massage tables are typically arranged side-by-side. Therapists may select to intensify the shared aspect of the experience by carrying out similar strokes at the same time. Long, soothing strokes, such as in Swedish massage, are perfect for this tandem relaxation. Couples massage may be offered in spas, private massage practices, or in clients’ homes. Read on to learn benefits of couples massage, as well as marketing, pricing, and space considerations.

Client Benefits of Couples Massage
Bonding. During massage, feel-good neurochemicals and […]

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