East West College of the Healing Arts

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So far East West College of the Healing Arts has created 180 blog entries.

Massage Career Preview Events in 2014: Ask Questions & Get Hands-On Experience

2014-04-17T11:22:48-04:00April 17th, 2014|

Every month, we hold a Massage Career Preview event to give prospective students the chance to ask questions, see the college, and get some hands-on experience. In May, our Massage Career Preview event will be held on 5/17. If you’ve been considering a career in massage, we encourage you to come to an East West College Massage Career Preview for more in-depth information about our program, our accreditation, and other logistical considerations, including financial aid. Choosing from massage schools in Portland is a visceral process; attending a Massage Career Preview can help you get a good “gut feeling” for whether East […]

COMTA: What it is, and Why it Matters for Massage Therapists & Their Clients

2021-07-21T12:43:33-04:00April 12th, 2014|

Certification is an important consideration when choosing an Oregon/Washington massage school. Each massage therapy training program carries its own set of certifications, some from state massage boards, and others from industry groups.

East West College is licensed through the Oregon Department of Education. Our program is also approved by the Washington Board of Massage, the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists, and the Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Division. Today we’re focusing on our COMTA accreditation, as it conveys a level of excellence that distinguishes East West College. About 85 schools are currently certified in COMTA. East West College is the only COMTA-accredited program in […]

Posture, Massage, and the Brain: How Massage can Improve Help Improve Posture and Brain Functioning

2014-03-27T18:04:43-04:00March 27th, 2014|

Most people who choose massage careers are enthusiastic healers, passionate about relieving others’ pain through healing touch. But in addition to changing a person’s physical experience, did you know that massage therapy can also change the way the brain works? Fascinating new research from across the country shows that physical posture has a direct impact on brain functioning. Let’s review some of the research:

A Straight Spine Brings a Positive Outlook and Increased Confidence. San Francisco State University professor Erik Pepper has found that people can more easily think of positive thoughts and memories when they are sitting up straight.

A Ohio State […]

Massage Certification: Requirements for Becoming a Licensed Oregon Massage Therapist

2014-03-25T18:02:15-04:00March 25th, 2014|

In order to be a certified massage therapist in the state of Oregon, LMTs must fulfill certain requirements. Massage schools in Oregon, including East West College, must prepare students to meet or exceed these basic state benchmarks. The Oregon licensing process is one of the strictest in the country, and encompasses three basic components: education, a practical exam, and a written exam.

  1. Educational requirements: The state requires a total of 500 educational hours related to massage. Of these, 200 hours must be in the health sciences, including Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, and Pathology. The remaining 300 hours are comprised of Practical Application, […]

The Research of Medicinal Massage: How Massage Can Heal

2014-03-21T18:00:16-04:00March 21st, 2014|

Medical researchers around the globe are exploring the healing powers of massage. Therapists already knew that the ancient healing modality of massage was an effective way to alleviate a wide variety of ailments. Now Western science is catching up, as researchers deliver formal studies on how massage can heal. This blog lists just a handful of the findings regarding massage.

Medicinal Massage Research Findings: Massage as a Proven Healing Modality

Infant Massage to Improve Baby’s Sleep and Digestion
Infant massage classes are becoming standard in massage schools. Portland, OR facilities such as OHSU and East West College offer infant massage classes, resulting in many […]

Traits of a Successful Massage Therapist

2014-03-05T17:57:23-05:00March 5th, 2014|

Are you considering a career in massage? Those who work in Portland Massage Schools can tell you that some people are better suited to this work than others. A massage therapist career is best matched to a compassionate, determined individual with the traits we’ve gathered below.

Characteristics of Successful Massage Therapists

Being a “people person.” There’s no way around it—massage is a career that requires plenty of interactions with other human beings. In general, massage therapists are caring souls who enjoy alleviating others’ suffering. If you don’t particularly like working with people, this is probably not the career for you.

Passionate about Massage Therapy. […]

When NOT to Get a Massage

2014-02-27T17:49:41-05:00February 27th, 2014|

A massage is a great idea any time, right? Wrong. There are certain times to avoid getting a massage, as any Portland massage therapist can attest.

DON’T Get a Massage When…

…You are ill. Don’t risk passing on your sickness. Stay home and rest until your symptoms clear up. When you’re sick, the body already has enough “work” to do—namely fighting infection and resting. Massage may actually make that work harder, by stimulating tissue when rest is really the best medicine.

…You’re taking certain medications. Always ask your doctor about counter indications to proscribed drugs. Massage can interfere with the action of certain medicines. […]

Avoiding Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and other Massage Therapy Ailments

2014-02-21T17:46:01-05:00February 21st, 2014|

In our Portland massage therapy program, we teach students how to use their hands and arms to heal others. Little in this world is as gratifying as delivering relief to another human being through massage. However, without the proper self-care, a massage therapy career may be interrupted by any number of soft tissue injuries, often in the upper body. There are two types of common massage therapy injuries: 1) Tendon/muscle injuries and 2) Nerve impingement injuries.

Common Injuries & Health Issues Among Massage Therapists

Overuse Syndrome is the most commonly diagnosed injury among massage therapists. It is a slow onset of pain that […]

Massage: A Flexible, Rewarding Career

2014-02-12T17:42:11-05:00February 12th, 2014|

The American Massage Therapy Association estimates that there are more than 300,000 massage therapists and students in the US. Why are so many Americans attracted to a massage therapy career? Well, for one thing, it’s reliably in demand. The US Bureau of Labor statistics predicts a 23% increase in employment of massage therapists through 2022. Flexibility is another big attraction; many massage therapists are self-employed, so they get to set their own hours. The myriad applications of massage are also appealing.  In this blog we’re taking a look at the many areas where a massage therapist can work.

With a massage certification, […]

How Massage Helps with Seasonal Affective Disorder

2014-02-05T17:39:32-05:00February 5th, 2014|

During the winter, the blues strikes about 10% among the general American population; that number rises to 20-30% in northern latitudes such as Portland (Portland Psychotherapy). About 6-8% of Americans and 5-9% of Portlanders will develop a more serious form of cyclic depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is triggered by the scarcity of natural light the fall and winter.

Symptoms of SAD include:
–Fatigue during the day.
–Decreased ability to focus; feeling like you’re “in a fog” mentally.
–Grumpiness and irritability.
–Decreased libido.
–Amplified need for sleep.
–Growing appetite for “comfort foods” such as starchy carbohydrates and sweets.
SAD may also prompt social withdrawal. Women between […]

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